Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Exercise 7: Object in Different Positions in the Frame

In this exercise we are trying to put the subject at different position in the frame.

Oddly enough, I was walking on the street one day ans see this line of leafs. I guess it is just the leaf but the combination of the stone path looks interesting to me.

Let's start with the big maple-ish shape leaf at centre but slight near the top.

Image 1: 50mm f/4.5 ISO 1600 at 1/100s

 Now the leaf is on the right hand side of the frame.

Image 2: 50mm f/4.5 ISO 1600 at 1/100s

The leaf is almost centre.
 Image 3: 50mm f/4.5 ISO 1600 at 1/100s

The leaf is centre but close to the bottom.
Image 4: 50mm f/4.5 ISO 1600 at 1/100s 

The last shot below is the shot I like best. The leaf is close to the left side.The determination here is not actually where the leaf is. But but moving the leaf to the left side reveal a trace of leave heading toward the upper right hand corner. I realign the frame so that the diagonal line span from lower left hand corner to upper right hand corner. Sadly the leaf (subject) doesn't have any interesting colour. By putting the subject in this view, other elements in the photographs distract my view from the leaf. If I can set the screen, I will replace it with a red maple leaf.

Image 5: 50mm f/4.5 ISO 1600 at 1/100s

There is a slight concern of the images above. The black metal rod is cropped out from the frame. Originally I was concerning about the leaf and the line, I was not thinking much about the rod. But then when we hit the third image from the top, it sort of getting too ignoring...

Based on the fourth shot (the one I like the best), I take one more shot including the black rod.

Image 6: 50mm f/4.5 ISO 1600 at 1/100s

The image is ok, but now only heaven sees the leaf. The stone path is more the subject here.

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