I actually got this back from Matthew a while ago. I never get a chance to reflect on this, given I was too busy with the Still Moving project. I called OCA office and requested for a change of tutor couple weeks ago. I think I should write a post to reflect on Matthew's comment before beginning any new work with my new tutor.
This is indeed the hardest assignment so far. I don't consider it to be the hardest in a photographic angle. I finished my first attempt of the assignment way ahead of deadline, while the re-shoot take longer because I was a the mercy of the weather condition. The hard part comes with the question, "so do I master the use of colour?"
I don't think so. If I walk on the street mindlessly, the things that draw my attention is still not going to be colour. I think it is very difficult to think that I really "get it" in this session any more than I should mix some red and green if I want to make a complementary colour. I think Matthew sees it as well, as he said,
first set of images shot in daylight appear to be a little contrived
in the sense that they do not communicate a sense that you are
photographing what interests you."
In order to meet the assignment's requirement, it is hard to start with an angle that it is something that really interested me. In the reshoot, "The Churches in the City", I did start with something that interested me, but the downside is it doesn't meet the colour combination requirement that well.
In the technical side, Matthew mentioned that I should use a neutral density filter to balance the exposure between the sky and land. Believe it or not, I did use it in post processing in lightroom, but I guess I didn't make it strong enough. It is very hard to photograph land and sky at the same time with sky overblown. With digital I can see the effect in the histogram, but when I use film it is not possible. Given that I also shoot film, this should be something I have in mind.
Compositionally, I have to be more carefully about things overlapping each other. For example, this one:
Matthew said that the two pillars is dominating the image. I think he is correct about it. If I have to re-compose this image, I will have the two pillars behind me. The reason why I include them, is they have colour yellow and it satisfies the requirement of this assignment. Apart from that, it may not be the best to have it in the image.

Also, in this image, the tree looks as if it is growing out from the post box. This is something that I didn't pay attention of. I should be more careful next time.

Unfortunately I don't have plan to reshoot the faulty images. Given that I have reshoot the whole assignment (in The Churches in the City), and the deadline of assignment 4 is approaching, I'd better to keep moving before I side-track .
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